Dr. Evan P. Bennett
Ph.D., The College of William and Mary
Associate Professor
Areas of Expertise
- United States since 1865
- African American History
- United States, 1763-1877
- Southern History
- Rural History
- Maritime History
- History of Florida
ebennett@022aode.com Website: evanpbennett.com
Office Phone: 561-297-0008
Evan Bennett is a historian of the American South who is most interested in the intersections of work and nature. His most recent book is Tampa Bay: The Story of an Estuary and its People (2024). He is author of When Tobacco Was King: Families, Farm Labor, and Federal Policy in the Piedmont (2014) and co-editor of Beyond Forty Acres and a Mule: African American Landowning Families since Reconstruction (2012). His next book project explores the South in 1939 through the lens of photographer Marion Post-Wolcott.
Professor Bennett is also director of the Voting Rights History Civic Literacy Project, a program designed to broaden understanding of the history of voting and elections in the United States supported by a grant from the Mellon Foundation. More information can be found at votingrightshistory.net .
Undergraduate Courses
- United States History to 1877
- U.S. in Era of WWI and WWII
- America & the Sea
- Work & Workers in U.S. History
- History of Florida
- The American South